Modular Power Suits Recipes

MPS is a great mod, MPS’s NEI integration however is not great. For some reason recipes do not show up properly in NEI sometimes, certain elements are missing. When this happens it can be handy to have the somewhat cryptic JSON file that contains the recipes in it. The recipes work in game, but figuring them out can suck. Still, better to have the info than to NOT have the info.

Your first stop for trying to build something that appears to be wrong in NEI is the MachineMuse recipes page. If that fails you, here are the actual JSON recipe files from the LostDorks server that you can use. Each object is broken into two parts, the ingredients bit and the result bit. The first one here is showing how to make basic plating for your suits out of iron and and invar gear. This is where it gets tricky. The names listed here are programmer references, not simple or easy to read names. This can result in guess work, but it gives you some idea anyway. Additionally some of the items have meta data specified. For instance:

{ "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material", "meta" : 3 }

Firstly, ThermalExpansion:material is pretty hard to guess, it is clearly a thermal expansion item of some kind, but what? It happens to be the “coil” objects from thermal expansion. The  meta:3 bit indicates that it is the third variant of that. You’ll see the object in NEI listed with an id #, then ‘:’ then the meta data. So, 4776:3 for instance.

Sorry this is such a scavenger hunt. If the online recipe page was current, or NEI worked, it would be simple, but as it happens, they don’t so this is what we have for this mod.

Thermal Expansion Variants

 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "gearInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "gearElectrum" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material", "meta" : 3 }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentControlCircuit"
 "mirror" : true
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "ingotIron",
 "quantity" : 5
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "gemDiamond",
 "quantity" : 5
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "dustGlowstone" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material", "meta" : 3 }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "dyeBlue" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeRed" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentLaserEmitter"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "gemEmerald" }, null ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame"}, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" } ],
 [ null, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material", "meta" : 2 }, null ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:tile.tinkerTable"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorHelmet"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorChestplate"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorLeggings"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorBoots"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, null ],
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerFist"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotSilver" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotSilver" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotSilver" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotCopper" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentWiring",
 "quantity" : 8
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" } ],
 [ { "registryName" : "minecraft:string" }, null, { "registryName" : "minecraft:string" } ],
 [ { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Rockwool", "meta" : 8 }, null, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Rockwool", "meta" : 8 } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentParachute"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotSilver" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame", "meta" : 4 }, { "oredictName" : "ingotGold" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentLVCapacitor"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame", "meta" : 5 }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentMVCapacitor"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame", "meta" : 7 }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]

 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentHVCapacitor"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotInvar" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, null, null]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentGliderWing"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, null ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:material" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, null ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentServo"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ],
 [ {"registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, { "registryName" : "ThermalExpansion:Frame", "meta" : 11}, {"registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter"
 "mirror" : true
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectrum" }, { "oredictName" : "dustGlowstone" }, null],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentIonThruster"

Ender IO Variants

 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ],
 [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ],
 [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 1 }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" }, { "oredictName" : "gemDiamond" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 1 }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel" }, { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentControlCircuit"
 "mirror" : true
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "ingotIron",
 "quantity" : 5
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "gemDiamond",
 "quantity" : 5
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "dustGlowstone" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "dyeBlue" }, { "oredictName" : "blockGlass" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeRed" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentLaserEmitter"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "gemEmerald" }, null ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel"}, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel"} ],
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "itemMachineChassi" }, null ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:tile.tinkerTable"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ],
 [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, null, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorHelmet"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ],
 [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorChestplate"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ],
 [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, null, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorLeggings"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" }, null, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, null, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerArmorBoots"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotPhasedIron" }, null ],
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "ingotPhasedIron" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "registryName" : "powersuits:item.powerFist"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ {"oredictName" : "ingotPhasedIron" }, { "oredictName" : "dustRedstone" }, {"oredictName" : "ingotPhasedIron" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentWiring",
 "quantity" : 8
 "ingredients" : [
 [ { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:wool" } ],
 [ { "registryName" : "minecraft:string" }, null, {"registryName" : "minecraft:string" } ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel" }, null, {"oredictName" : "ingotElectricalSteel" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentParachute"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 0 }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentLVCapacitor"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 1 }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentMVCapacitor"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 2 }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentHVCapacitor"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, {"oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotEnergeticAlloy" }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "blockGlassHardened" }, null, null]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentGliderWing"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, null ],
 [ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemMachinePart" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, null ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentServo"
 "ingredients" : [
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ],
 [ {"registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, { "registryName" : "EnderIO:itemBasicCapacitor", "meta" : 2 }, {"registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "registryName" : "minecraft:ender_pearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter"
 "mirror" : true
 "ingredients" : [
 [ null, { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ],
 [ {"oredictName" : "ingotPhasedGold" }, {"oredictName" : "dustGlowstone" }, null],
 [ {"oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, {"oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ]
 "result" : {
 "oredictName" : "componentIonThruster"



Agathezol is a gamer, programmer, father, husband, and musician. When he's not writing blog posts nobody reads he generally writes protocol stacks, network code, and core telecommunications software but has dabbled in game design, web programming, mobile device software, and desktop software.

Categories: Minecraft