Sphax for Rails

I’ve put together a Sphax 128 pack for the LostDorks Rails system. I think i have all the textures in it, all i noticed anyway. To use the pack drag the three directories inside the zip file into your resources directory. Activate the 3 packs, start with the DireWolf20 pack as it contains most of the mods (and then some). The other two are patches for it. i’m not sure if the selected order matters, but that’s the order I’m using.

You can Download It Here.

If you have textures that aren’t showing up let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

An example of what it looks like:


Agathezol is a gamer, programmer, father, husband, and musician. When he's not writing blog posts nobody reads he generally writes protocol stacks, network code, and core telecommunications software but has dabbled in game design, web programming, mobile device software, and desktop software.

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